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What is the Musical?

The Musical is an auditioned-based program available to all students. All students submit a vocal audition either online or in person. There is also an optional dance audition. Rehearsals are held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon/evenings and some Saturdays. Students are only called to rehearsals, as they are needed. A vocal director and choreographers are brought in to work with students on singing and dancing. We build or buy our sets, costumes and props. We have three performances held in a local theater. A stage manager, technical director, sound and lighting designer are brought in to assist in the production. We also hire local professional musicians under the direction of a musical director to provide live orchestration. Tickets are available on our website and at the Box Office.


How can I participate in Drama Workshops or Field Trips?

Drama Workshops and Field Trips to touring productions will be offered throughout the year. Any students can sign up or purchase a ticket in Room 3. Please note, spaces are limited.


What Drama courses are offered at Borel?

6th grader students are enrolled in a Drama/Life Skills wheel class for one quarter during the year. This is an introductory course that builds skills to create, perform and participate in improvisations, activities and presentations. 7th & 8th grade students can sign up for a semester-long elective. In this course, students will learn the basics of theater through pantomime, improvisation, monologues and group scenes. Students will also learn the importance of technical theater and explore the use of such elements as costumes, props, and scenery.


Call Time - the time you are supposed to report to a rehearsal/performance.


Callbacks - after everyone has auditioned, the staff may hold callbacks for specific parts in the musical. Only some people will be asked to attend callbacks. Students called back are encouraged to review character descriptions and listen to some of the songs from the show. At callbacks, students will be taught songs from the show and asked to read scenes from the show.


Conflicts - any time you are going to miss 75% of the rehearsal. Leaving early or late for rehearsal must be cleared in advance and will be handled on a case-by-case basis. If you find that with your active schedule of other things (sports, lessons, etc.) that you will have more than 3 conflicts, you may want to reconsider participating.


Costumes - most costume pieces will be provided for cast members. We may ask cast members to provide base costume pieces from their own wardrobe. All participants are required to provide their own shoes.


Dance Audition - students interested in auditioning for our musical are encouraged to sign up for an optional dance audition time slot. Our choreographer will teach a portion of a dance during the audition. Students will perform the dance in small groups at the audition.


Drama Workshop - an intensive class offered after school focusing on one aspect of theater (i.e. acting, singing, auditions, improv, choreography, set design, etc.)


Green Room - the area on the behind the stage where actors wait to go onstage (it is not necessarily green!).


Notes - instructions, usually regarding an actor's blocking or performance, given after a rehearsal by a director, choreographer, vocal director, musical director or stage manager.


Off-book - when an actor knows his/her/their lines and no longer needs to carry the script


Parent/Cast Meeting - after the musical is cast, a mandatory Parent/Cast Meeting will be held to provide information about rehearsals, volunteer hours and the performance.


Program (Playbill) - a booklet handed out to all audience members at the performance. Ads from local businesses are collected to help pay for the cost of the printing. Families are encouraged to place ads for cast members in the Program. A cast list, synopsis, and song list are also found in the Program.


Props - any moveable object used by an actor during a performance


Registration Donation - We ask that all participants donate a registration fee ($250 for the musical / $50 for the play). The cost covers instructors, scripts and costume pieces. No student will be denied the opportunity to participate because of nonpayment of the donation.


Rehearsals - Rehearsals for the musical will be held on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays afternoon/evenings and some Saturdays. Students will only be called to rehearsals when they are in the scene or song being rehearsed. Rehearsals will typically be held in Ms G's room (Rm 3).

Blocking Rehearsal - a rehearsal focused on the movement of actors in a scene


Dance Rehearsal - a rehearsal focused on the dancing in a number from the show


Vocal Rehearsal - a rehearsal focused on the singing of songs from the show


Show Shirt - all participants in the musical will receive a shirt advertising the show. Additional shirts can be purchased. We encourage participants to wear Show Shirts frequently during rehearsals and tech week.


Strike - to take apart the set after the final performance. All cast members and one parent/guardian are required to assist with strike.


Tech Week - the week prior to the performance where all the technical aspects of the show are added. Technical rehearsals this week are typically held at the theater. Sets, lights, costumes, props and a live orchestra are incorporated into the production. The crew is also added at this time to help with all of the technical elements. All cast and crew are required to attend rehearsals during Tech Week. Rehearsals typically go from 6:00 - 10:00 during Tech Week.


Vocal Audition - students interested in auditioning for our musical are required to sign up for a vocal audition time slot. Songs from the show are selected for students to audition with and uploaded on a website.


Volunteer Commitment (Musical ONLY) - parents are asked to assist on the production for a minimum of 10 hours. The Production Manager will help to coordinate volunteer hours. Below is the list of committees available:


        Costumes - assist costume designer/coordinator with taking measurements, assigning, approving and

        constructing costumes


Sets - build and paint set pieces under the direction of the set designer


Props - gather or create props needed for the show as requested by the director


Publicity - distribute flyers and posters to local stores and schools; advertise and arrange activities at school to encourage students to attend the production


Sponsors/Ads - find local businesses to sponsor the performance; collect ads from local businesses and families


Bios/Lobby Decorations - collect, edit and print bios from each cast member and arrange in the lobby with other decorations


Fundraising - oversee a Car Wash fundraiser or MixedBag fundraiser; distribute and sell additional show T-Shirts; set up Restaurant Fundraiser; assist in any other fundraising activities


Tickets - fill ticket orders during Tech Week under the direction of the Ticket Coordinator; work the Box Office before each show


Concessions/Flowers/Telegrams - gather and display refreshments, flowers and telegrams to sell before, during and after the show


Elementary School Outreach Coordinator - promote our show to local elementary schools by filming and editing short videos for teachers to share with students


Chaperone - help supervise rehearsals and performances; assist the director in keeping cast members quiet and focused (this is a great committee to join if you are a new Borel Drama family!!)


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